Week 24 + TRANSFERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 18, 2014

So Mom was right about how I was going to have transfers this week. They finally took me out of Tejeda and I am now going to be in San Miguel!!!! It’s in the state of Guanajuato and it’s pretty much the prettiest area in the whole mission. I’m a little sad that I’m leaving because I really came to love my first area – the investigators, the members, the elote stands on every other street corner. But I’m also excited and ready for a change. My new companion is Hermana Hernadez, who is from Chihuahua and is really cool. She was my hermana capacitadora (sister training leader aka: the female version of a zone leader) last transfer and I had divisions with her and it was a lot of fun. This is gonna be her last transfer and therefore, I will be her last companion in the mission, which is kind of a bit of pressure but it’ll be good. It also means that I will most likely be in that area for at least 2 transfers, but that isn’t a 100% garaunteed because Presidente likes to be unpredicatble and kind of does whatever he wants (not without counseling with the Lord first, of course).

From what I know about my area, it’s a HUGE tourist attraction. Lots of colorful houses and artesianas and rich old white people who go there to retire. I also heard Mel Gibson has a summer vacation home there, which is kind of cool. It’s also covered with hills – like the whole area is just going up and down hills, which is probably the onlty thing that I’m not too excited about. And yeah, that’s all I know about where I’m going.
I only have one picture this week, cuz we didn’t do a zone activity since we all have to clean and pack, but I’ll have more next week!
aying goodbye to some of my favorite recent converts, Rosy and Veronica! They were technically the elders’ recent converts but we sort of adopted them after they left.
And yeah! Hope you’re all doing well and I love you!!!!
Hna Sanabria

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